CURATOR COMMENT-Please use the divider or 'pipe' symbol, the '|', to separate your stat values in the ATK|HP section; do not use the slash or '/' to separate the attack and hit points
The thing about this card is that unless it gets killed by Fire Shield or Thorn Carapace, there's really no way to remove the reflections off one's field. Having immateriality is a nice boost, granted, if you don't have the upgraded counterpart, then you can't play this card (unless you want the death trigger), and since you can't target it (for Immolation fodder, buffs such as blessing, etc.), then it becomes situational unless you have both of the cards in your hand ready to place.
I do like the mechanic nonetheless - the fact that it has such reliance on another specific card in order to make use of its ability (see Mummy for example), limits its synergy while also strengthening it at the same time. ^^
By the way - welcome to the CIA board.