Well I suppose the whole idea is to make a good use of both sundial an SoP. It is indeed a good idea and as time|water are unexplored it gives plenty of room for a nice card.
The card has two skills a passive (giving +2|+2 when delayed) and an active (delaying itself). As they are external ways to delay a creature (or forbid it to attack): turtle shield, sundial, SoP, freeze, BB etc... The active skill becomes useless or almost useless. I would invert it's use:
Patience (passive): Crocodile|Alligator gain +2|+2 when it does not attack.

Surprise attack (active): Crocodile|Alligator is delayed 1 less turn but all bonus gain with patience are reset to +0|+0.
This way Crocodile|Alligator can either gain in stats when delayed or ignore but loose the bonus. Obviously it would only reduce the delay by one turn for each activation (for example with freeze or BB). It would also be the only skill than one could activate only when delay (as opposed to all other skills than one can activate only when not delayed).