If I use EA on this shield, can I still click it to destroy it?
Anyway, this is ridiculously OP. Think abou it...
* It is just by 20% worse than Dim Shield and it is both permanent (lasting for an infinite amount of turns and not just for 3) and cheaper than Dim.
* It can be self-destructed at will.
* It prevents you from decking out. True, you can't draw any new cards to aid your strategy, but this card and a few healing can create a 30-card stall deck that can beat almost any rush. In the end, it is more of a positive feature than a negative one. And even if it were negative, its self-destruct mechanism can save you exactly the moment you need to draw more cards.
Imo, the abilities of this card aren't OP by themselves. It is their combination in a single card that makes this tremendously OP. Just my 2 electrum...