88 Damage : 9 + all
+ 1 card + 3
+ 1 card + 8 card + 24
= TOTAL = 9 + all
+ 10 cards + 28 time + pendulums/pillars
So,it's not that OP. 88 Damage for 28
10 cards . You can even deal 88 damage after some turns with an immobow.
Fractal recluse is the same combo, just that with death quanta. For 8 x 6=48 damage
Your combo: 8 x 11=88 damage, not OP?
To show why this card needs to be balanced:
Assume we have two players with enough quanta to use 1 Fractal and play at least 8 copies of any card that costs 3 quanta. Both players have only Fractal in their hand.
Player 1 has only 1 Flesh Spider on the field.
Player 2 has only 1 Clock on the field.
Both players cast Fractal and proceed to play the 8 copies of creatures they got from it.
Player 1 now has 9 Flesh Spiders on the field.
Player 2 now has 9 Clocks on the field.
If this was an unupped-only game:
Player 1 has paid 2 Cards + 10+all

+ 27

to get 9*3 = 27 damage.
Player 2 has paid 2 Cards + 10+all

+ 27

to get 9*(
2+9) = 99 damage.
If this was an upped-only game:
Player 1 has paid 2 Cards + 9+all

+ 27

to get 9*6 = 48 damage.
Player 2 has paid 2 Cards + 9+all

+ 27

to get 9*(
3+9) = 108 damage.
27 vs 99
48 vs. 108
Clock will deal 3.6x times as much damage as Flesh Spider unupped.
Clock will deal 2.25x times as much damage as Flesh Spider upped.
Implementing this card would likely obsolete the majority of Fractal decks since they are a) Contain more expensive creatures or b) Are not as cost-efficient as Clock.
Being OP in only 1 combo does not give you the excuse to avoid balancing your card. (Worth nothing it's going to be very powerful with Mitosis as well, given that it's so cheap, so that's actually at least 2 cards). Using other cards to justify the 'balance' of your effect doesn't work either - just because Shard of Focus can be countered does not mean Shard of Focus is balanced. Likewise, just because you have a Dimshield in your hand doesn't mean that the Cost/Attack+Ability ratio is any less OP by itself, especially when fractaled.
You need to alter the ability somehow so that it won't be broken with Fractal, or give the card a different ability entirely. I also agree with Drake that the theme of a Clock as a creature seems off unless more detail is provided or the theme is changed.