Right now the card only says that it's delayed, not that the creature brought back is too
Writ of Salvation: When a creature dies, pay its cost in . Resurrect it on your side, delayed 1 turn (2 charges).
This means the creature that gets resurrected is delayed 1 turn (not the creature that does the resurrecting ... otherwise it would 'delay self' instead)... or at least that is how I thought people would interpret the wording
I can word it differently if needed to make that more clear... any suggestions?
If you think about it, this card is pretty much RT with delay and no draw denial, which is useful in some cases.
It also is an Eternity with 0 :Reverse, and can be activated on both players' turn.
This also sucks up your quanta pretty harshly.
Its a little different than RT because it can be used to give the owner their opponent's creatures in some cases.
The quanta drain is a bit harsh, my main intent there was to offset the fact that
has the most quanta generating capacity of any element (RoL, firefly, and most importantly, solar buckler) and to help counter balance the above noted 'creature steal' like effect