Sorry for the late comment. This card adds 1 turn advantage each time it is played. 8
sounds fair for an offensive +1 turn advantage. (Defensive +3 turn advantage is worth 9
Now Chimeric Mass combined with Spark or Ball Lightning does get a higher return on investment than other creatures. This synergy may need a nerf to bring it in line with the other synergies of this card. (Or it may be just fine)
Is a creature bolt spell worthwhile?
It is a comeback (damagewise not creaturewise) card that would make another deck that could compete with creature spam rushing.
It is creative.
It is a win more card because it scales in power with your advantage.
Chimera ensures damage and gives defensive turn advantage of a couple turns.
It is like unto Skyblitz
So while it does seem to be a quality card, Skyblitz has stolen its thunder.