All right! 2 am posting clean up

First and foremost, each buff really had a name in mind while it was in my head, but didn't post it:

- Mutiny ~ it was more of a punishment idea rather than a full on return of damage, anyway, i think entropy has the pillars to spare w/o diss shield up, should it be 50% ?


- Faith & Envy ~ kinda of a "bless you for your sins" idea and envy had a "i want what you have, and hate you so much for it, so that'll be your downfall," they together for a vengeance sort of deal, and i could have sworn the added to Faith "for two turns before reverting back," while i was dozing off... ???

- Slow ~ i was contemplating about slowing down more attack then hp, but the division is odd since smaller attack would have even less attack? it didn't make sense to me. also, heavy armor and petrify can be used in other ways, more so with the latter i guess. i see fast little creatures dodging a time spell while big ones can't haha

- Hardening ~ come to think of it, i think it should be, max damage reduced : hits, 1:15, 3:25, 5:35, 6:45+


- Whooping Cough & Hatchling Rescue ~ the creatures spawn on your side, sorry for the vauge wording

- Sparks ~ yup, Fahrenheit pair

- Mirror Mirror ~ I intended the shield for rainbow decks to go up against rainbow decks, and quint is a hassle for me at least XP
I hope you are not so confused now OT