ANother point is the image. It is great to see it used again in a card but it has already been hammered out and one thing that has been said is to remove the humaness of it. The original card has now been changed because of that.
You could always say it's an Elf Paladin, it's impossible to tell under the armor in any case.
Rally and Charge are supposed to only last for one turn, like dive. My original idea was for Charge to give momentum and +1/+0 to all your creatures but that seemed a bit OP...
Charge is supposed to be used in conjunction with Rally, to make achieving the ideal combination harder. In any case, Charge and Rally were just side abilities that I added because I thought it would work well with RoL.
Thanks for the input, I guess I'll make a poll on what to do now.
Maybe Adoration becomes more along the Lines of Atk=N|Hp=N where n is equal to the number of emitting creatures you have in play. (long way to say it I know but hope you get the idea)
So it may start as a 5|5 but goes up or down depending on number of creatures in play.
If it was N|N, wouldn't it die if it was played without RoL on the field?
Right now, the stats are basically 7+N|7+N, so should I lower the base stats?