Quick calculations: lose immaterial, light life duo, light mark, unupped, 30 vs 30 cards decks, with 2 pend start
Turn 3 wand, turn 3 crusader, turn 4 endow. So in 12 turns assuming no CC and PC (endowed crusader is prety CC resistant at 5/6), wand and crusader would have destroyed 17 opponents cards and another 12 normally drawn. A win in round 12-13 by deckout depending on coin toss.
A more PC proof play style: turn 7 2x crusaders, turn 8 wand and endow both . So in 13 turns assuming no CC and PC (endowed crusader is prety CC resistant 5/6), wand and crusader would have destroyed 18 opponents cards and another 12 normally drawn. A win in round 13-14 by deckout depending on coin toss.
If my calculations are correct this looks a bit on the OP zone. IMO imaterial has to stay for the above reasons. Even vs PC a deckout is possible in 15-ish rounds.
What do you think?