my only time using SG's templates i found the only way to get the costs to change from 3 was to hide the 3rd, 2nd, and/or first layer (of the element). i was using paint.NET so the instructions weren't compatible (not a button where it says) and i ended up just hiding/deleting every layer that didn't want, and the result was terrible so i was probably (was) doing something wrong.
back on topic, the pics look really good, only things that seem weird are dark judge, ancient of time, and colossus
Dark Judge: wondering if this is passive (when it attacks, like it says) or active, and if so then whether dark judge or you lose hp.
Ancient of time: just seems a bit useless to me, as it heals your opponent, even if you don't decide to use the ability 4 damage isn't much and isnt really enough to make the opponent worry about reversing it.
colossus: 5/40 with momentum on every creature (i'm assuming from the name because) and also shielding you (or killing a creature, but armagio could just be used afterwards) is just too much, and is a lot better than the dragon, which is 9/30 with no ability and more cost
also just thought I'd point out a misspelling on feral behemoth, that ankarel shouldn't be able to destroy towers, and there are no spell icons on mass mutagene and anti-magic shell (shield?)
the cards really look great though