10/5 turn: don't want to lasts forever
yay, It was creature.
Damage calculated:

creature in your hand +

creature in opponent's field
example: you have 2 Lava Golem, 2 Crimson Dragon and a Red Nymph in your hand, and you have the this card played, at the end of your turn, you deal 5/10 damage. (It is very useful if you don't draw enought tower to play those creature, and can still deal some damage.)
example: you have Lava Golem, Red Nymph, Ash, and Ash Eater in your hand, and your opponent have 3 ash in their field, at the end of your turn, you deal 4/8 + 3/6 = 7/14 damage.
useful: use this card when you know other have cc but no pc. (since fire creature is weak against most cc.)
lot of damage with 3/4

, if you got the right card. (so 10/5 turn is important.)