Yeah, 3 HP and this deck: 54 Cards of this + 6 Phothons
Try to kill it..
I don't need to kill it, there's no way you can kill me with 6 photons..
But any 1hko deck will be able to do 164 damage (dragon spam in rol/hope, destroyer spam in ccyb, just to name a few) but since you have no SoDs nor stoneskins, we only need to do 100 damage (12 unupped shriekers and 1 pulverizer can do 100 damage, 6 lava golems with only 17 attack each can do over 100 dmg)
most rush decks can do a total of 100 damage by turn 5.
Most decks can do a total of 100 damage by turn 8. You can only have had 15 pillars out by then.
Or i can just get almost any shield (like firewall) and get two eternities and a photon and wait for you to deck out.
Conclusion? Fail card idea, and too underpowered. It should heal at least 2 hp.