...otherwise its just an overpowered Condor.
I guess that's how I saw it before as that, but, if the upped one is boosted by friendlies only and its attack was left pretty high, it could be a different type of Condor; one that starts off strong and boosts up slower.
and thats exactly what would make it different to the Condor, and it keeps its unique counter CC quality,
but if you make it "any" creature, it would ruin that counter CC ability and just make things more complicated, think about it,
it would be easier for the opponent to kill you if the opponent had this card, got a better starting draw than you did, and just simply CC´d your other creatures, basically another condor.
but leaving it on "friendly" creates something else thats more unique and more useful with different types of strategies it could follow, at least different to what strategies the Condor usually follows.
also it seems to make the saying "don´t play with fire" come to real life.