@iskelion: Okay, wait, lemme try to recrystallize this debate we're having (lol, quote blocks getting too big).
My version:
"When a creature dies, draw a card to inflict 5 damage to yourself."
Your version:
"Sacrifice a creature, draw a card, and lose 5 hp. You can use this ability multiple times per turn."
1. My version is shorter and simpler.
2. My version is generally easier to use.
3. Both versions are equal in power, but yours has a higher cost.
Which of these do you disagree with, and why?
As for SoSac, it's fine that it "requires a combo."
For one, it isn't the only "combo" this card can have. As another, all the cards, aside from Blood Oath, that would be used in this "combo" are card-efficient and advantage-efficient, unlike say Blessing or Deja Vu.
For example, SoSac is efficient is efficient in and of itself because it has such a great ability.
As are the death effect generators, such as CC cards/Retrovirus, because most deck run at least a few of them anyways. Finally, even death effect generation combos, such as Gemfinder+Cremation+Lava Golem or Fractal+Ball of Lightning are effective in that they come out in top at the end.
These death effect generators, when combined with Blood Oath, should not be deemed inefficient just because "hurr durr you use 3 cards." You are doing what you usually do, but for the measly cost of 1
, 1 card, and 5 HP (per use), you get a free card each time you do it.
Now, add SoSac to that min. 2 card combo, and you get an extremely lucky but still highly effective turn of healing and drawing, not from crippling your deck with combo-oriented cards but because you put good cards into your deck.
And last but not least, I don't see the problem with "flood[ing] your hand." How is drawing 8 extra cards bad?