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Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« on: January 20, 2012, 07:30:48 am »
5 :air
0 | 10
When Blimp crashes, it
explodes, dealing 10 damage
to the enemy and detonating
unstable gases.
4 :air
0 | 12
When Zeppelin crashes, it
explodes, dealing 10 damage
to the enemy and detonating
unstable gases.
Modified art from THIS (http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=1005852).
'Crashing' refers to either killing Blimp | Zeppelin or removing its 'Airborne' passive, which ends up killing it as well.

Its crash detonates -any- "Unstable Gas (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2223.0.html)" on the field.

The explosive effect, as with Unstable Gas, would be reflected.

The skill possessed by this card is a passive, and will be called "Blimp".

If too "advanced", please refer to Steam Machine.

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2012, 07:55:44 am »
Looks fun.

1. The opponent, being non-idiotic, will not purposefully try to kill it. So you'll have to do the job.
2. Recluses form a duo, like Unstable Gas itself. However, Recluses have low HP (2 to 3) and therefore can't trigger Blimp/Zeppelin many times. Also, while UG can be paid off the mark, Blimp/Zeppelin can't. Besides, 10 damage once for 5 quanta requiring a duo is kinda pathetic compared to Elite Wyrm and Pegasus.
3. The only really effective way to kill it, other than Web, is Gravity Pull. You save yourself from 10 or more damage and deal 10 damage to the enemy, requiring a duo with one element (:gravity) paid off the mark. In this way, it's on par with UG... but UG is only one card, while this is two (GP + Blimp/Zeppelin).

From 1, 2 and 3, I conclude in the absence of UG on the field, this card is massively UP.

With UG on the field, they detonate, allowing you to play and use UG without including a source of :fire. However, to do this you need Blimp, which requires a source of :aether, :death, or :gravity. So you haven't gained much advantage with this. So even with UG being triggered, it's still UP.

Edit: Forgot Immolation/Cremation.

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2012, 09:13:29 am »
The only effective way to kill it is immolation/cremation. If you balance it to immolation/cremation, the other methods will be underpowered.

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2012, 01:22:02 pm »
overdriven this = epic

looks fun  :P :P :P

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2012, 01:33:32 pm »
the upped version is worse than the unnuped you made it even harder to kill

Offline HyroenTopic starter

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2012, 05:21:41 pm »
Hmm.. I'm kind of glad that the consensus was that this card is Underpowered. My block in the road was that in making it stronger I should do one of a few things:
    Decrease playing cost  Increase attack (and health) Increase health substantially Improve effects (Increase explosion damage)
     Add an active skill (:gravity Gravity Pull)
These however all have drawbacks, which will be explained respectively:
    I could decrease playing cost, but for the sake of thematics, a cheap "huge" blimp, simply didn't make sense to me.I could increase attack (and health), but I'm not quite sure of how else, besides dropping explosives, a blimp's attack would be. In the case of explosives, it wouldn't translate to 1 or 2 points of attack.I could increase health substantially, but as Poker Alho mentioned, it would be in a sense, a nerf. I had imagined more synergy with :gravity Gravity, but we want a fine balance between cards such as Catapult, Overdrive, Shockwave, Eagle's Eye, the Spiders, Immolation, etc. In an ideal world, we want all of these synergies to be equally effective, which would already have a slightly better benefit in a Mono- :air, with UGs.I could improve explosion damage, but I'd have to be careful with it, I don't want it to be a UG, or exceed it.I could add the skill :gravity: Gravity Pull, but it might not make the best thematic sense, and may even be too similar to Voodoo Doll or Armagio.
Any suggestions?

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2012, 09:18:08 pm »
Hmm.. I'm kind of glad that the consensus was that this card is Underpowered. My block in the road was that in making it stronger I should do one of a few things:
    Decrease playing cost  Increase attack (and health) Increase health substantially Improve effects (Increase explosion damage)
     Add an active skill (:gravity Gravity Pull)
These however all have drawbacks, which will be explained respectively:
    I could decrease playing cost, but for the sake of thematics, a cheap "huge" blimp, simply didn't make sense to me.I could increase attack (and health), but I'm not quite sure of how else, besides dropping explosives, a blimp's attack would be. In the case of explosives, it wouldn't translate to 1 or 2 points of attack.I could increase health substantially, but as Poker Alho mentioned, it would be in a sense, a nerf. I had imagined more synergy with :gravity Gravity, but we want a fine balance between cards such as Catapult, Overdrive, Shockwave, Eagle's Eye, the Spiders, Immolation, etc. In an ideal world, we want all of these synergies to be equally effective, which would already have a slightly better benefit in a Mono- :air, with UGs.I could improve explosion damage, but I'd have to be careful with it, I don't want it to be a UG, or exceed it.I could add the skill :gravity: Gravity Pull, but it might not make the best thematic sense, and may even be too similar to Voodoo Doll or Armagio.
Any suggestions?
Since a blimp is filled with lots of gas as it is, you could give it a skill to generate unstable gas.
Walk towards the :light...

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2012, 09:20:34 pm »
Hmm.. I'm kind of glad that the consensus was that this card is Underpowered. My block in the road was that in making it stronger I should do one of a few things:
    Decrease playing cost  Increase attack (and health) Increase health substantially Improve effects (Increase explosion damage)
     Add an active skill (:gravity Gravity Pull)
These however all have drawbacks, which will be explained respectively:
    I could decrease playing cost, but for the sake of thematics, a cheap "huge" blimp, simply didn't make sense to me.I could increase attack (and health), but I'm not quite sure of how else, besides dropping explosives, a blimp's attack would be. In the case of explosives, it wouldn't translate to 1 or 2 points of attack.I could increase health substantially, but as Poker Alho mentioned, it would be in a sense, a nerf. I had imagined more synergy with :gravity Gravity, but we want a fine balance between cards such as Catapult, Overdrive, Shockwave, Eagle's Eye, the Spiders, Immolation, etc. In an ideal world, we want all of these synergies to be equally effective, which would already have a slightly better benefit in a Mono- :air, with UGs.I could improve explosion damage, but I'd have to be careful with it, I don't want it to be a UG, or exceed it.I could add the skill :gravity: Gravity Pull, but it might not make the best thematic sense, and may even be too similar to Voodoo Doll or Armagio.
Any suggestions?
Since a blimp is filled with lots of gas as it is, you could give it a skill to generate unstable gas.
That would make air nymph useless.

Offline regen2k9

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2012, 09:32:31 pm »
Hmm.. I'm kind of glad that the consensus was that this card is Underpowered. My block in the road was that in making it stronger I should do one of a few things:
    Decrease playing cost  Increase attack (and health) Increase health substantially Improve effects (Increase explosion damage)
     Add an active skill (:gravity Gravity Pull)
These however all have drawbacks, which will be explained respectively:
    I could decrease playing cost, but for the sake of thematics, a cheap "huge" blimp, simply didn't make sense to me.I could increase attack (and health), but I'm not quite sure of how else, besides dropping explosives, a blimp's attack would be. In the case of explosives, it wouldn't translate to 1 or 2 points of attack.I could increase health substantially, but as Poker Alho mentioned, it would be in a sense, a nerf. I had imagined more synergy with :gravity Gravity, but we want a fine balance between cards such as Catapult, Overdrive, Shockwave, Eagle's Eye, the Spiders, Immolation, etc. In an ideal world, we want all of these synergies to be equally effective, which would already have a slightly better benefit in a Mono- :air, with UGs.I could improve explosion damage, but I'd have to be careful with it, I don't want it to be a UG, or exceed it.I could add the skill :gravity: Gravity Pull, but it might not make the best thematic sense, and may even be too similar to Voodoo Doll or Armagio.
Any suggestions?
Since a blimp is filled with lots of gas as it is, you could give it a skill to generate unstable gas.
That would make air nymph useless.
Ah, good call.  Didn't think about that.  In that case, I like buffs 1 or 4.  I don't support 2, since I feel like blimp is meant to be killed (so attack wouldn't be that important in the long run, and as Poker Alho stated, 3 would be a nerf.  I think Hyroen hit the nail on the head with his critique of 5.  Buffs 1 or 4 are, in my opinion, worthwhile and make sense.
Walk towards the :light...

Unstable (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2012, 09:53:00 pm »
I think 0|8 and 0|10 is good. Because most likely you'll be the one to kill it, and the methods will be immo or spider.
I don't think higher health is nerf, since these methods are much faster anyway.

This creates a great harmony with many cards. I think it's great.

Why does the blimp hurt the opponent? I just want to ask.

Offline HyroenTopic starter

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Re: Blimp | Zeppelin (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2012, 12:17:25 am »

Imagine the Blimp as heading towards the opponent with the explosion. If it crashes it will crash on the opponent and explode for 10 damage. Plus, if it did damage on its owner, it would need quite the reworking of mechanics.

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