why don´t you make it affect both players*, that way, its more effective when you have a rainbow deck** and good quanta production meanwhile your opponent might have difficulties of keeping up with the absoption.
does the effect stack?*** (if it does, then its too OP)
but im guessing it doesn´t?
*=I think that would make it not worth playing As a continuos anti-nova, this might be fair.
**=It would be a lot better if you had a mono (only 1|2 of each quanta) he meant the opponent playing rainbow
***= If by stack you mean, if 2 are out there it absorbs 2, then yes. Flayne is correct here, it's rather OP.
I still think the ability is rather strong for quanta denial, and it punishes rainbows rather harshly.
Using the values from your table:
Creature Cost = Attack + HP + Ability Threat + Bonuses
Attack: +0
HP: +0 (1-5 HP)
Ability Threat: +6 (Can remove up to twelve quanta? That's pretty strong. In this case I will take this scenario assuming the opponent is using several types of quanta.)
Bonuses: No.
Final Cost = 6
Attack: +0
HP: +0 (1-5 HP)
Ability Threat: +12 (Yeah. Potential 24 quanta destruction.)
Bonuses: Upgraded gets -1
Final Cost = 11
Have the creature drain 3
| 3
, and lower the upped's cost to 4