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Re: Avalanche | Avalanche (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2010, 04:56:35 pm »
My entire purpose of the card was to have an immediate way to temporarily neutralize immaterial and burrowed creatures.

I understand that some shields (i.e. Fire, Dusk, Turtle, Spine Carapace, Permafrost, etc) will slow or destroy those creatures, but I wanted an alternate means to mitigate that damage.  What better way than to bury them in snow/ice for a few rounds?

Additionally, I think there is some confusion about the casting cost.  It was intended to be all  :water quanta, not any random quanta.  Unfortunately, the Pixlr template did not have the ability to display the quanta cost.

I will add some of the suggested changes with the Photoshop template and repost.

