
Offline waterzxTopic starter

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Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« on: April 16, 2012, 02:23:47 am »
3 :light

If a friendly creature is killed, you gain a Spirit Bolt in hand. Disable other death-triggered effects on your side.

3 :light

If a friendly creature is killed, you gain a Spirit Lance in hand. Disable other death-triggered effects on your side.

Modified from : http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1106413/
Soft mass anti-CC card.

Further strengthen synergy between :fire and :light because of Immolation | Cremation. Also work with Entropy Cat.

If Ascension and boneyard/bonewall/vulture/soul catcher are on your field at the same time, Ascension will be triggered FIRST, then the death effect will be cancelled, so boneyard/bonewall/vulture/soul catcher will NOT respond to the death of your creature.

The original plan was to disable death effects of friendly creatures to avoid a OP combo : Bonewall + Spirit Bolt + Cats. But that was not a welcome feature because of its anti-death function so now this card only prevents further death-triggered effects on YOUR own field.

Spirit Bolt
1 :light

Target creature or weapon does not attack for 4 turns.

Spirit Lance

Target creature or weapon does not attack for 4 turns.

Modified from : http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1106413/


Spoiler for Hidden:
4 :light

When a friendly creature dies, gain a Spirit Bolt in hand, and cancel its death effect.
3 :light

When a friendly creature dies, gain a Spirit Bolt in hand, and cancel its death effect.

Modified from : http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1106413/
Soft mass anti-CC card.

Further strengthen synergy between :fire and :light because of Immolation | Cremation. Also work with Entropy Cat.

If Ascension and boneyard/bonewall/vulture/soul catcher are on your field at the same time, Ascension will be triggered FIRST, then the death effect will be cancelled, so boneyard/bonewall/vulture/soul catcher will NOT respond to the death of your creature.

The original plan was to disable death effects of friendly creatures to avoid a OP combo : Bonewall + Spirit Bolt + Cats. But that was not a welcome feature because of its anti-death function so now this card only prevents further death-triggered effects on YOUR own field.

Spirit Bolt

The intended plan is to reduce target creature's attack to zero. But I thinks it's OP so I set a time limit. But I still want to further nerf Spirit Bolt, either by giving it a casting cost or shortening the time limit. What's your thoughts ?


« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 02:50:15 am by waterzx »

Offline Nepycros

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2012, 02:24:35 am »
Another :death-hate card for :light? No.
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

Offline waterzxTopic starter

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2012, 02:25:34 am »
Another :death-hate card for :light? No.
Hmm...won't disagree but considering that a lot of  :death decks run on cats...so....this may not be a big problem.

The death effect is cancelled because of thematic issue. I might remove it if it's not welcome.

Offline UnderneathTheLens

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2012, 02:25:57 am »
1. Does the effect stack?
2. Why is spirit bolt a permanent?
3. Would you be able to buy spirit bolt from the bazaar?
4. Is there an upped version for spirit bolt?

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2012, 02:26:17 am »
Too much anti death. Sprit bolt is probably a better version of BB, being gotten for free and stopping attacks for five turns, although the target creature can still use its ability.

Offline waterzxTopic starter

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2012, 02:27:37 am »
1. Does the effect stack?
2. Why is spirit bolt a permanent?
3. Would you be able to buy spirit bolt from the bazaar?
4. Is there an upped version for spirit bolt?
1. No

2. Human error  :P

3. No

4. Hmm, not in my plan

Too much anti death. Sprit bolt is probably a better version of BB, being gotten for free and stopping attacks for five turns, although the target creature can still use its ability.
Then I may shorten it to 3 turns ?

Offline Nepycros

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2012, 02:30:20 am »
This is simply another addition to Holy Light's anti- :death and anti- :darkness agenda. :|
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

Offline waterzxTopic starter

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2012, 02:31:49 am »
This is simply another addition to Holy Light's anti- :death and anti- :darkness agenda. :|
Cancelling the "cancel death effect"....new versions in progress.

Offline UnderneathTheLens

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2012, 02:32:08 am »
1. Does the effect stack?
2. Why is spirit bolt a permanent?
3. Would you be able to buy spirit bolt from the bazaar?
4. Is there an upped version for spirit bolt?
1. No

2. Human error  :P

3. No

4. Hmm, not in my plan

Too much anti death. Sprit bolt is probably a better version of BB, being gotten for free and stopping attacks for five turns, although the target creature can still use its ability.
Then I may shorten it to 3 turns ?

I think it's fine. Keep in mind that you are losing a creature for a bolt.

Another :death-hate card for :light? No.

I don't think it's so bad. It's only friendly creatures, and most death-effect decks gain their main deaths from their own creatures.

Offline waterzxTopic starter

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2012, 02:51:47 am »
New version is uploaded. Still anti- :death on your own field because I don't want to blur the elemental boundary (making two  :death and  :light too similar). I need to draw a line to tell people that  :light is not  :death

Edit : I think I need to bring this card back to drawing board because I just noticed a few problems....Thanks for the input though.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 02:58:20 am by waterzx »

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2012, 04:29:50 pm »
Another :death-hate card for :light? No.
This looks to be much broader than an anti- :death card. If the "cancel death effects" is removed, it is actually a very general anti-cc card. It will mess with far more elements than just  :death because it makes no mention of what cause the card to die. You get a spirit bolt no matter what. So, for instance, if  :fire blasts a creature, they need to be prepared to lose the attack of their farenheight, lava golemn, etc. Similar for any other element. This is far from just a narrowly targeted spell like flash of light. I actually very much like this card.

Also, as much as it may seem an anti- :death card, I see the need for disabling death effects since that will prevent players from massing tons of these at once. (E.g. due to plague or other mass death effects) Although I think it may be better to use "only triggers once per turn" instead.

On another note, I would suggest making upgraded spirit bolt cost 1  :rainbow to mirror holy light / flash of light.
I really do like that this simply disables attack rather than using the delay or freeze mechanism. It gives a good thematic link to sundial and makes it unique from other similar cards.

When you say only prevents death effects on YOUR own field, does that mean that when your creatures die they wont trigger death effects, or does it mean that cards you own that trigger on deaths no longer trigger?... or both?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 04:40:12 pm by OdinVanguard »
Whether the glass is half full or half empty is a moot point. It is always filled to the brim. It is only a matter of by what. The real question is: What fills you?
If your zombie plan is
kill -9 `ps l | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$9}' | grep "Z" | awk '{printf("%s ",$2)}'`
You might be a unix junky

Offline Nepycros

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Re: Ascension | Ascension (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2012, 10:11:06 pm »
Another :death-hate card for :light? No.
This looks to be much broader than an anti- :death card. If the "cancel death effects" is removed, it is actually a very general anti-cc card. It will mess with far more elements than just  :death because it makes no mention of what cause the card to die. You get a spirit bolt no matter what. So, for instance, if  :fire blasts a creature, they need to be prepared to lose the attack of their farenheight, lava golemn, etc. Similar for any other element. This is far from just a narrowly targeted spell like flash of light. I actually very much like this card.

Also, as much as it may seem an anti- :death card, I see the need for disabling death effects since that will prevent players from massing tons of these at once. (E.g. due to plague or other mass death effects) Although I think it may be better to use "only triggers once per turn" instead.

On another note, I would suggest making upgraded spirit bolt cost 1  :rainbow to mirror holy light / flash of light.
I really do like that this simply disables attack rather than using the delay or freeze mechanism. It gives a good thematic link to sundial and makes it unique from other similar cards.

When you say only prevents death effects on YOUR own field, does that mean that when your creatures die they wont trigger death effects, or does it mean that cards you own that trigger on deaths no longer trigger?... or both?

Holy Light isn't focused on anti- :death either, but that's still an elemental hate card.
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

