Forest Archer / Jungle Archer
Damage: 3 Hp: 3 Cost: 4
While there is a Life creature on your field, this card cannot be targeted
Sacrifice creature = destroy targeted permanent or inflict to opponent 8 damage
Sea Archer / Ocean Archer
Damage: 4 Hp: 1 Cost : 5
Sacrifice creature = This creature gains 5 damage
When this creature dies, sacrificed creature is revived.
Sea Archer: Only one creature can be sacrificed.
Flame Archer / Volcano Archer
6/3 Cost: 4
Each time you raise your Hp inflict 5 damage to the opponent.
Panic Archer / Mess Archer
N/N Cost: 2
Discard 1 card from your hand and generate Panic Archer
Panic Archer gets 1-3 Damage and Hp for every Panic Archer at the begging of your turn
Ether Archer / Volatile Archer
4/5 Cost: 4
This creature can't be destroyed by spell
select opponent's card in the hand and copy it to your deck
Sand Archer / Desert Archer
2/4 Cost: 3
When this creature comes into play opponent skip his next draw
:Selected creature can't use its abillity next turn.