Okay they need to be 3

then, not 1

If my deck is 6 life pendulums, 6 earth towers 6 Gemfinders, 6 anthills, 6 sentient ants and earth mark...
Turn 1) I pull 1 life pend, 2 earth tower, 1 anthill, 2 gemfinders, 1 ant (1

cost). I play my earth towers and pendulum, then play my 2 gemfinders. I do 2 damage
Turn 2) opponent did nothing worth note on first turn. I now have 5

and 2

. I pull another anthill. I play 1 anthill and 1 ant. I do 3 damage.
Turn 3) I now have 6

and 2

. Opponent played creatures and hurt me. I pull another life pendulums, spawn an ant and play my second anthill. I do 6 damage (total 11)
Turn 4) Opponent plays eagle eye/pulvy/ reverse time or some other card that takes a turn to activate. I now have 4

and 5

. I pull another ant, play it. I spawn 2 more ants, giving me a total of 5. I do 27 damage. (38 total).
Turn 5) For simplicity sake, lets say the opponent kills 1 of my ants. I now have 4. I have 2

and a ton of earth. I pull another gnome gemfinder. I now have 3 gnomegemfinders. I spawn 2 more ants for a total of 6. I do 39 damage (77 total)
Turn 6) I lose an anthill and some ants but as long as I have 5 ants on the board the person loses.
Okay you probably didnt read that but basically 1

is too cheap if this is in bazaar.