Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Card Ideas and Art => Topic started by: moomoose on September 18, 2010, 05:12:38 pm

Title: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: moomoose on September 18, 2010, 05:12:38 pm
4 :earth
:life :life : Colony
Generate a Sentient Ant card in your hand                                 
4 :earth
:life : Colony
Generate a Sentient Ant card in your hand                               
Sentient Ant
1 :earth
N-1 | 1
Swarm: n = number of Ants you control at the end of your turn
Individual: Cannot be copied
Sentient Ant
1 :earth
N | 1
Swarm: n = number of Ants you control at the end of your turn
Individual: Cannot be copied
Cacodaemonia http://browse.deviantart.com/digitalart/paintings/?q=ant&order=9&offset=24&offset=24#/d22wjsb
individual prevents use of fractal, mitosis and nightmare on the ant, as well as twin universe- unfortunately. 

the ants are very fragile, and alone are weak, but in a large group are strong. 

any permanent control or mass creature control (fire shield, thorns, thunderstorm, fire storm, infection or creatures with poison) will decisively counter this

*increased the :life cost to 2 for unupped and the cost of the :earth by 1 for the upped.

just remember that you are unique, just like everyone else.

Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: Baily18 on September 18, 2010, 09:57:08 pm
placeholder ftw.anyways, i like it.  non fractables ftw :3
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: wizelsnarf on September 25, 2010, 11:09:57 pm
Redo the card so it has the  :life in it. Planplan updated that so you can definitely do it now (although did he fixed the upped card having white text issue...)

I definitely have thought ants should be added to the game. Earth is already pretty flush with cards but making them like this would be fair enough...

It seems pretty balanced. You can stop it with perm control or creature control and unlike scarabs they will always be easy to control.

That said, If you put one per turn (upped)  out starting your second turn, you are going to damage of 0,1,4,9,16,25,36, and 49. That means in 7 turns you do 91 damage and in 8 you do 150 damage. Anyhow if you had just a regular earth deck with 6 of these guys in your deck, you might pull say 3 earth towers and 5 ants. Play the first 3 ants your first turn. Pull another ant on second turn and play the next three. Now in two turns you are doing 36 damage which is ridiculous and rivals only Life.

Okay so after that look at it, sentient ant should not be a card you can buy in bazaar. If it is available, the cost per ant should be higher, maybe 3 ?

Anyhow, I really like the idea, it just needs some balancing so that you can't have a deck that consists of pillars, anthills and ants that owns somebody in 5 turns...
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: TheOwner on September 25, 2010, 11:15:47 pm
Redo the card so it has the  :life in it. Planplan updated that so you can definitely do it now (although did he fixed the upped card having white text issue...)

I definitely have thought ants should be added to the game. Earth is already pretty flush with cards but making them like this would be fair enough...

It seems pretty balanced. You can stop it with perm control or creature control and unlike scarabs they will always be easy to control.

That said, If you put one per turn (upped)  out starting your second turn, you are going to damage of 0,1,4,9,16,25,36, and 49. That means in 7 turns you do 91 damage and in 8 you do 150 damage. Anyhow if you had just a regular earth deck with 6 of these guys in your deck, you might pull say 3 earth towers and 5 ants. Play the first 3 ants your first turn. Pull another ant on second turn and play the next three. Now in two turns you are doing 36 damage which is ridiculous and rivals only Life.

Okay so after that look at it, sentient ant should not be a card you can buy in bazaar. If it is available, the cost per ant should be higher, maybe 3 ?

Anyhow, I really like the idea, it just needs some balancing so that you can't have a deck that consists of pillars, anthills and ants that owns somebody in 5 turns...
Against no CC this would make a great card.  With any CC you have a bunch of dead ants.  Also, with the upped version you max out 36 damage without the anthill.  With unupped you get 25.  It's not anywhere close to as good as Shrieker Rush so its not OP to have ants available in the Bazaar.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: wizelsnarf on September 25, 2010, 11:39:46 pm
Okay they need to be 3 :earth then, not 1 :earth.

If my deck is 6 life pendulums, 6 earth towers 6 Gemfinders, 6 anthills, 6 sentient ants and earth mark...

Turn 1)  I pull 1 life pend, 2 earth tower, 1 anthill, 2 gemfinders, 1 ant (1 :earth cost). I play my earth towers and pendulum, then play my 2 gemfinders. I do 2 damage

Turn 2) opponent did nothing worth note on first turn. I now have 5  :earth and  2 :life. I pull another anthill. I play 1 anthill and 1 ant. I do 3 damage.

Turn 3) I now have 6 :earth and 2 :life. Opponent played creatures and hurt me. I pull another life pendulums, spawn an ant and play my second anthill. I do 6 damage (total 11)

Turn 4) Opponent plays eagle eye/pulvy/ reverse time or some other card that takes a turn to activate. I now have 4  :life and 5 :earth. I pull another ant, play it. I spawn 2 more ants, giving me a total of 5. I do 27 damage. (38 total).

Turn 5) For simplicity sake, lets say the opponent kills 1 of my ants. I now have 4. I have 2  :life and a ton of earth. I pull another gnome gemfinder. I now have 3 gnomegemfinders. I spawn 2 more ants for a total of 6. I do 39 damage (77 total)

Turn 6) I lose an anthill and some ants but as long as I have 5 ants on the board the person loses.

Okay you probably didnt read that but basically 1 :earth is too cheap if this is in bazaar.

Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: moomoose on September 26, 2010, 12:03:42 am
yeah i was going to redo the anthill card with the new editor when i find halfway decent anthill art (theres not much out there, and honestly i stopped looked for the most part due to a lack of interest/discussion on the topic until now).  ants were intended to be only from ant hills and the 1 :earth was just for the sake of reverse time being cast on them and to effectively cost both :life and :earth to bring into play.  i figure if ant hill is the only source that will be a mild bottleneck in how fast they can come out, as permanents cannot be used the first turn they are placed in the field.

while the ants can be very strong offensively, defensively this is a vulnerable deck.  even if you put protect on your ant hill (which would slow down the deck) the ants would be nullified by many, if not all, of the limitations of RoLs in RoL hope which most people should be familiar with.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: wizelsnarf on September 26, 2010, 03:21:19 pm
or fire shield or thorn carapace....

agreed. Well if you want them to be sold in the bazaar I think the cost should be 3 :earth. If they are only available from anthills, I guess 1 :earth is fine.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: Ryli on September 26, 2010, 03:43:36 pm
I love the idea od the 'individual' ability. It could stop many card ideas becoming OP simply because of Fractal if it became an official ability.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: TheOwner on September 26, 2010, 03:46:38 pm
I love the idea od the 'individual' ability. It could stop many card ideas becoming OP simply because of Fractal if it became an official ability.
The FG for this will become extremely easy from the Oracle, but extremely hard if not.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: Ryli on September 26, 2010, 04:16:28 pm
I love the idea od the 'individual' ability. It could stop many card ideas becoming OP simply because of Fractal if it became an official ability.
The FG for this will become extremely easy from the Oracle, but extremely hard if not.
What FG? I was talking about card ideas where people say 'Fractal makes this OP' when without Fractal it's fine.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: moomoose on September 26, 2010, 10:23:27 pm
i think he meant if a FG in the future would build a deck around anthill.  and i agree, if you know this is coming, or have any prep for it, it will be very easy to counter.  if it pops up on you and you cant do sufficient counter, youre going to hurt
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: Ryli on September 27, 2010, 04:59:26 pm
i think he meant if a FG in the future would build a deck around anthill.  and i agree, if you know this is coming, or have any prep for it, it will be very easy to counter.  if it pops up on you and you cant do sufficient counter, youre going to hurt
Most FGs can be easily countered from the oracle. I believe that most of them have their own unupgraded anti-deck topic for when they appear. and if you can't counter any particular FG it's going to hurt, so I don't see the problem.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: TheOwner on September 27, 2010, 05:33:37 pm
i think he meant if a FG in the future would build a deck around anthill.  and i agree, if you know this is coming, or have any prep for it, it will be very easy to counter.  if it pops up on you and you cant do sufficient counter, youre going to hurt
Most FGs can be easily countered from the oracle. I believe that most of them have their own unupgraded anti-deck topic for when they appear. and if you can't counter any particular FG it's going to hurt, so I don't see the problem.
I never said it was a problem I simply pointed it out.  Oracle: (FG) Topics actually don't have a deck for every FG.  Its closer to half.  For example, rainbow has nothing that can really beat it, except for luck.  This'll probably help bring Otyugh's back.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: AnonymousRevival on September 28, 2010, 02:13:13 am
I'm not against card images, but do you think zanz would put up images like colony for the game?
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: moomoose on September 28, 2010, 02:16:00 am
couple of questions for you-
1) by colony do you mean anthill
2) do you know what the word placeholder means
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: moomoose on October 08, 2010, 03:13:26 am
first shot at making my own anthill art, did not go well
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: Kuross on October 08, 2010, 03:23:45 am
I think the card is great the way it is, so when I say this, I am just being me :P

Ever think of calling them Fire Ants and using Fire instead of Life? I know the link between Life and Earth is cool, just making a random observation. ;)
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: moomoose on October 08, 2010, 03:27:19 am
yeah i thought about having the upgraded ones be fire ants, but figured it wouldnt make much of a difference other than requiring the upgrade to be a different synergy- there wasnt much room for anything else to change
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: AnonymousRevival on October 08, 2010, 07:44:04 am
this card art is better for the anthill.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: moomoose on October 08, 2010, 11:38:29 am
ok, you clearly did not know what a placeholder was.  a placeholder is something that is put there until something else can be found.  so no duh. 

stop commenting on art of cards unless it is "i like this nice art", everything else you say is repugnant.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: TheOwner on October 08, 2010, 08:53:47 pm
Could Individual be Lobotmized?  This would make this card too easy to play.   Lobo + Fractal + Sentient Ant = Win!
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: moomoose on October 08, 2010, 10:28:42 pm
lol not intended but that would be amusing.  cut out their brain and theyre no longer an individual.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: Ryli on October 08, 2010, 10:35:38 pm
Could Individual be Lobotmized?  This would make this card too easy to play.   Lobo + Fractal + Sentient Ant = Win!
I'd assume that if it made it into the game, the ability would be passive.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: Mastermind79 on October 09, 2010, 12:43:03 am

Okay you probably didnt read that but basically 1 :earth is too cheap if this is in bazaar.
Come one, that's a six turn kill. That's pretty fast, but many upped decks are capable of pulling out wins in 3-5 turns. It becomes good at 3 ants, but that is half of what your limited to unless you have this very slow anthill. Once you get a few going, though... maybe raise the ant price to two, and spawn it directly onto the field.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: killsdazombies on October 09, 2010, 01:39:10 am
lol i love ur cards.
Title: Re: Anthill | Anthill & Sentient Ant | Sentient Ant
Post by: Annele on November 05, 2012, 12:54:07 am

This card will not be permitted into the Crucible due to one or more of the following errors:

Correct these errors as soon as possible and feel free to submit again when ready.

Thank you. ^_^

Please only use the name of the main card in the Subject line, and use the new background for both. Thanks.