It does not reflect damage, but the connection between the targeted creatures is valid for the death and field existance in general.
The key of your concernes are the HP:
The unupped is good for mass reverse time, a poisoning/aflatoxin/, freeze, delay, since it is kinda sturdy with its 5 HP and gives you the time to use connet more creatures to Angel Of Destiny.
The upped is good for a mass Kill because its poor HP and have a good attack.
The costs are low because starting to use this ability on turn 0/1 gives a 100% more efficace and also SoR for speed combos 
Ah... that makes more sense then.
So if this creature is killed, all linked creatures also die. Correct?
This is certainly MUCH more potent... perhaps slightly OP if used with SoR.
(e.g. with 2 SoR + this upped + any CC effect, you could kill 4 enemy creatures ... normally the need for self CC help, but scarabs make this relatively easy)
The upped version seems to practically force the SoR combo since it is so vulnerable to practically all forms of CC.
The death effect propogation may be a bit OP since it gives autokill capabilities. Right now, this is only available using shockwave-freeze. That combo is balanced since it requires
1 shockwave card + freeze spell, skill or effect to kill 1 enemy creature. 2

This card seems to be a somewhat higher pay off to investment... at least on the surface
The SoR combo requires 2 cards + 1 CC effect (could be a spell card or a skill / ability) -> 2 enemies killed. 5

+ CC cost (could be free if used with immolate)
There is one other combo that could be a problem here.
This + SoP (and maybe quint)
This combo would cause you to stun all of the linked creatures fro as long as SoP remains in play...
This is because the stun effect on enemy creatures will not wear off until the end of the opponent's turn.
Even if the bonus attack power gets transfered, this still gives a heavy advantage because the enemy creatures will be unable to use their abilities. Further, if you have any

creatures, they will get +2 |+2 per turn, where as the enemy creatures only get +1|+0...
That seems a little OP to me-> Stun all enemies while letting your own grow and use abilities.
This puts sundial stall to shame.