Someone mentioned the 'faceless one' - I don't know what that is, exactly, but it was something to do with splitting and absorbing and splitting and absorbing andsplittingandabsorbingandsplittingandabsorbingandsplittingandabsorbing....and so on. It's kind of like the Blob card that was sugegested a while ago.
So how about an Amoeba card?
Element - Water
Cost - Unknown, potentially really powerful, so quite high
HP - 6, so it can't be killed straight away - this is part of its strength.
Attack - 0, otherwise it would be waaaay overpowered.
Passive ability 1 - Osmosis - Every turn, absorb 1 random quantum from opponent. Gain 1 HP if quantum is absorbed.
Passive ability 2 - Gelatinous - When Amoeba takes physical (ie, not poison) damage (but not if it is killed) it copies itself exactly as it is after it takes damage.
This could get really, really, really annoying if used in the right way. If you don't have decent creature control, you're quantum-locked. Elite Otyughs should get rid if this fine, just lower its health a touch, then...OM NOM NOM NOM NOM! Twice, of course, becuse it splits.