If I understood it right, when I am at the bottom of my deck, playing a spell makes it go to the bottom of my deck and being drawn again (unless the Enchanter ability doesn't count as a draw effect), so I could cast a spell as many times as I wanted (if that's not the case you would need to make the 2 bottom cards in your deck be the same spell, which is trickier but doable using Space Time Rift)
Things you could do:
-Spam novas or supernovas, then cast chimera and antimatter. Watch your opponent go wat.
-OTK your opponent with a single fire lance (playing it repeatedly).
-Wipe your opponent's field with lightnings, couple this with an eternity + photon. Before killing the last creature, rewind the photon and then cast lightning , you redraw the photon and keep the lightning in the deck.
Also worth mentioning. Enchanter amplifies Precognition a lot, so you probably don't even need Hourglasses to pull these off (you need to reach the bottom of your deck to "break" things).