Sonic Bird: Sounds like a real cheap Diver from the wording, but I can't tell, really. I'd say this is much cheaper than a Wyrm while being marginally worse... verdict: Card is too cheap, up the cost, card is too similar to Wyrm, make it differ somehow.
Fisherman: Great quantum acceleration and a 2/2 creature for 1

. I'd say it's fine, but all the Brimstone Eaters/Gnome Gemfinders/whatever do sound weak in comparision.
Mad Guy:, is the ability an one-time thing on playing, or a free ability, or something? Still... could be a bit useful when sacrificing pillars, but in the long run it's not effective.
Empty Nightmare: So if I don't have even a pillar, it's 23/23, but I'm practically helpless? Not sure what could this be for, then. It can kill the enemy in 5 turns unless some shields or any control, but it'll cost me a total 9 turns as I have to markfuel the quanta for it, and 9 turns is enough to kill me while helpless... again, sounds pretty useless.
Medick: A griefer. Been there, done that. Sounds fine if the ability can only be used on it, otherwise horribly broken.