hell on earth: a nerfed cremation.
earth quake storm: iffy
cold icy rain: a little weak. i dont like the idea of buffing enemy creatures unless its to maxwell it right after
potion tree: way too strong. army of scarabs and otys will pwn everything pretty much
gravity force: impossible. only1 creature can have gravity pull on a side at a time, 1 on each side, thats it
drain life: name is already used, and its weak as hell
holy god: decent. cant find any major unbalances in it
izma's spell: still working on a judgment on it
aether agreement: fair, just a little hard to decipher
time freeze: a little op, they cant use their effects, cant attack, and it affects nonsummoned monster, op
king plague: op. its essentually a stronger plague, and its a semi-grave yard. also op
diving pool: VERY op. any good god killer can take out any player or god in 1 hit no matter the health. realy op
the ideas are good, the costs are the main problem here. change those and they will be alot more acceptable.
*dont change them until you have alot more feedback*