Wow! Thanks for all the replies. It's giving me a lot to think about
The card text seems to imply that you get a random creature/perm every time you unwrap, i.e. 3 times total. Would be nice with a confirmation of what the intent is (1 random or 1 per activation).
Gift logic implies you have to peel back all the layers before you get the goodies inside.
Because that's how gifts work irl.
Frozengaia has interpreted my intention with the how I wanted the card to work, but I can see (now) how the wording is ambiguous. I kind of like both ideas now(creature/permanent each term vs 3 turns to reveal one. I think to stick with the "gift" theme, I will keep it so that you have to unwrap all the layers before you get your surprise.
Any suggestions on how to re-word the text so this is the intention?
But, yes, it does imply three gifts. If that is the case, then 4 | 3 should cover the cost nicely.
And then it's just be a SoSe variant.
Its better than SoSe in some ways because it doesn't cost quanta to play the 3 random cards.
It's also balenced out with the fact its a creature, so 1 CC card early can take out 3 cards.
My apologies, I don't have a SoSe yet, so I didn't even think were other cards which were similar. I'm also not quite sure what you mean about it being a creature? I had intended it to be in a permanent slot, until it becomes a creature or permanent.
I originally put the cost so high because I wanted the card reveal to be
anything just like you (should) expect from a gift. It's one of the reasons I had trouble with deciding whether to make it entropy or other. I kind of want to change it to be an other card, just so it
can be a little more versatile. Hmmm....
![Undecided :-\](
I've dropped the cost to 4|4 for now, and hopefully I can get more feedback on what else to change.
Thanks again for all the comments and feedback!