Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Competitions => Events and Competitions => Card Idea Competition Submissions => Topic started by: frimax on December 14, 2014, 03:08:07 pm

Title: Zanz's Christmas Present Christmas Elf| Frost Elf - Frimax
Post by: frimax on December 14, 2014, 03:08:07 pm
Christmas Elf
5 :light
:water :water  :water Blizzard:
Every creature on the fileld has a chance to "Freeze".
Frost Elf
5 :light
:water  :water Blizzard:
Every creature on the fileld has a chance to "Congeal".


My idea is based on one of those Santa's Little Helpers.
They have the ability to cast blizzard which is something we always have on Christmas.
The Larger the creature is, the more resistan to the blizzard spell.
HP = 0 = 100% Chance to freeze/Congeal.
HP = 1 = 42% Chance to freeze/Congeal.
HP = 2 = 35% Chance to freeze/Congeal.
HP = 3 = 28% Chance to freeze/Congeal.
Hp = 4 = 21% Chance to freeze/Congeal.
Hp = 5 = 14% Chance to freeze/Congeal.
Hp more than 5 = 7% Chance to freeze/Congeal..
Hp more than 10 = Inmmune (Unless Frost Elf HP > Target Creature).

Thank you.
Title: Re: Zanz's Christmas Present Christmas Elf| Frost Elf - Frimax
Post by: Espithel on December 14, 2014, 03:17:05 pm
Put the images where they should be.
Otherwise, we still use a pipe (|) to differentiate between ATK or HP. The ATK and HP should be 5 | 5.

After that, what is the chance of freezing, exactly? 50% 30%?
Title: Re: Zanz's Christmas Present Christmas Elf| Frost Elf - Frimax
Post by: Ginyu on December 14, 2014, 06:39:35 pm
Does "Every creature" include itself?
Title: Re: Zanz's Christmas Present Christmas Elf| Frost Elf - Frimax
Post by: frimax on December 14, 2014, 10:13:09 pm
Does "Every creature" include itself?

Yes!!  ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Zanz's Christmas Present Christmas Elf| Frost Elf - Frimax
Post by: frimax on December 14, 2014, 10:14:33 pm
Put the images where they should be.
Otherwise, we still use a pipe (|) to differentiate between ATK or HP. The ATK and HP should be 5 | 5.

After that, what is the chance of freezing, exactly? 50% 30%?

Well... I probably should add a table you are right, thanx for the advice.  ;D :D
Title: Re: Zanz's Christmas Present Christmas Elf| Frost Elf - Frimax
Post by: Devourer on December 15, 2014, 04:14:22 am
Compare this card to Arctic Squid. Upped, it does not decrease cost, but it changes Freeze to Congeal. This card does both. Personally, I would either change it to Freeze|Congeal or lower the cost to 3|2, but don't do both. It creates too much of a discrepancy between unupped and upped.
Title: Re: Zanz's Christmas Present Christmas Elf| Frost Elf - Frimax
Post by: frimax on December 15, 2014, 02:59:56 pm
Compare this card to Arctic Squid. Upped, it does not decrease cost, but it changes Freeze to Congeal. This card does both. Personally, I would either change it to Freeze|Congeal or lower the cost to 3|2, but don't do both. It creates too much of a discrepancy between unupped and upped.

You are Probably right, my idea was to add a creature who can cast a field spell, but I'm not really that good at card quanta balancing, I wanted a light card which HP will be 5|5 because there is non. What else will you add? :D
Title: Re: Zanz's Christmas Present Christmas Elf| Frost Elf - Frimax
Post by: Devourer on December 17, 2014, 03:47:15 am
Again, compare to Arctic Squid. Low stats, high creature shutdown potential. I think the stats should be lowered to 2/3 and the cost raised to  :water :water :water for both versions. Along with that, I would lower cost to 4 :light. The skill is very powerful, and I wouldn't make it a stable attacking creature on its own as well.