(http://i.imgur.com/3KU1jMN.png) | (http://i.imgur.com/3rZcIfX.png) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Does "Every creature" include itself?
Put the images where they should be.
Otherwise, we still use a pipe (|) to differentiate between ATK or HP. The ATK and HP should be 5 | 5.
After that, what is the chance of freezing, exactly? 50% 30%?
Compare this card to Arctic Squid. Upped, it does not decrease cost, but it changes Freeze to Congeal. This card does both. Personally, I would either change it to Freeze|Congeal or lower the cost to 3|2, but don't do both. It creates too much of a discrepancy between unupped and upped.