Really? It's been done???

oh well I'm sure I can come up with something
EDIT: GOT IT! alright so disregard that other post saying what it is. And I will drop the cost when I get the chance but the new element is the same name as before and the same card but to stick with the razor theme, I had to do something about health and/or attack so I came up with this:
the quanta is taken from the attack and health of creatures. Each creature has an even chance of being affected but this only applies to your own side of the field so creatures count as pillars. Once affected, the creature also has a 50/50 chance of either health or attack being hit. Eg. 2 2/2 fire spirits are on your side of the field. It first, has a 50/50 chance of targeting fire spirit A. If it does target A, there is another 50/50 chance that it will target it's attack (sort of like devourer targeting quanta). this step is repeated for all quanta required. The attack/ health is lowered by 1 each time. Stats will not go negative so you don't have infinite stuff from 1 creature. This will not target other razor creatures or immaterial creatures but it can kill so look out! Also, to prevent abuse, any creatures affected by SoP aren't affected either (razors aren't patient, they slice when they want to).
Cards costing razor quanta are generally high costing and when I edit the card in the OP, I will drop it's cost to about 7 or 8. This is because of cards like fractal, ffq and pharaoh that spawn creatures. On the good side of it's cost, the creatures have very high attack or useful abilities. One spell might cost 3 or so and could potentially 'sharpen' 1 razor creatures weapons, increasing damage. I'm not too sure of any permanents yet so I might post one if I think of it.