If you have created the cards in the specialized boxes for the Team Card Design PvP event, post the cards here. DO NOT CREATE A SEPARATE TOPIC FOR THE CARDS.
Please do not spam the thread with comments of other card ideas. Posts will be removed as necessary to keep this topic as clean as possible. Also, do not spam any Card Curator's inbox with PM's to review their card ideas for the competition, as such requests may be deleted.
Please post your team's card ideas in the following format:
Team Name: Awesome |
Requirement Number: 1006 List of requirements: -It looks cool -It seems awesome -It fits the requirement bill, yay.
You can create the table by using the code below. DO NOT post 'notes' or anything else within those tables. You -JUST- need to post the requirements (or 'links' if necessary) and the 'requirement number' assigned to the set of requirements (if you don't, it'll take me a longer time to check to see if you've fulfilled the right requirements). You may modify your posts/card ideas as necessary, but it is HIGHLY suggested that when you 'pass' a requirement, that you avoid changing it afterward (you'll be docked DOUBLE points if I find out that your modification of the card no longer fits the requirements).
IF (and only if) the requirement set has already been completed by another team, the person who submitted it first will be granted points, while the second will be 'marked' with a special stamp and ignored for judging:
The requirement set of this card has already been done by another team. It will not be counted towards your final score.[center][table]
[td][img width=289 height=443]http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd95572/Book_of_the_Dead.png[/img][/td][td][img width=289 height=443]http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd95571/Upgraded_Book_of_the_Dead.png[/img][/td]
[td][center]Team Name: [/center][/td]
[td][center]Name of [desc=Whoever posted this][color=white]Teammate[/color][/desc]: [/center][/td]
Requirement Number: XX
List of requirements:
NOTICE: If you edit a card image after posting it, please put the word 'CHANGED'
underneath the approval message in a non-yellow color/bold/italicized/etc. (as long as it can get a Card Curator's attention), or else your submission may be different from what is displayed during the voting stage. Thank you.