-You still have a very minor mistake on your non-upped card Ability description (fix the punctuation discrepancy)
Very minor fix made
It's a neat idea, but I'm noting that you're using up a card in order to get a card.
Like all shards
What are you seeing this card as being used for?
About all I could see doing with it was maybe putting 1 in a mindgate deck in case your opponent draws all of a key card early in the game so you can't get a copy of it with mindgate.
What if I don't want to splash in Aether, but want to be able to surprise my opponent? Rainbow decks will greatly appreciate this, as will Duo/Trio decks if you get lucky with a match-up (mono decks are usually rush, so probably won't need this).
As Kuro said, this will go great when combined with Precognition.
I'm sure many players could easily come up with other ways on how to use this card that I'm missing.