Charity is a virtue. The card paints the picture of charity. Forcing charity on your opponent is a proper use of the card. Nobody is going to play a Shard of Charity that makes you donate 2 quanta to heal your opponent. That's absurd. If you really want to be virtuous, you might as well not even start the battle. As your goal is to defeat your opponent.
Defeating your opponent has nothing to do with holding virtue.
Being Charitable would be giving up your own quanta for benevolence.
With this card, I would have the effect either:
- Trade your Quanta for Healing, Representing you giving your power to the meek and in return gaining wellbeing
- Trade your life for Quanta or cards or creatures showing you giving your lifeblood and the poor in turn returning you with gratitude.
In either case you are not holding anything over your opponent but showing true to the virtue of charity and offering donation, an act or instance of presenting something as a gift. The reward for a gift is thanks, gratitude, or favour. This is Charity.
hmmmm well charity can work all kinds off ways.... you towards your monsters or quanta
but my shard of charity holds the virtue of charity because....
1. the player's opponent is the holder or the virtue of charity and it does say generously donates
2. true charity asks for nothing in return
3. 3. a charitable act or work, in the opponent's eyes when donating quanta to heal you isn't that pretty charitable itself?
4. since the card isn't stackable you are not asking for too much and being too greedy
you can say that yourself is a *USERNAME HERE* charity and your opponent is being charitable towards you
OPPONENT- is charitable because he donates
PLAYER- #4- only one shard of charity can be in play so you are actually thinking of the well being of the opponent as well....if it was stackable then you are not having a (5. benevolent feeling ) towards the other player....