ART: | , Provided by Kuroaitou
| IDEA: | Zblader
| NOTES: | Fortune Inspiration will come today, but don't hold your breath. Exhale quickly, though. Hold it too long and you'll be feeling blue.
- The NAME of one of the cards needs to start and end with a vowel (the vowel doesn’t need to be the same - examples: "Eagle's Eye", "Avian Sorcery", "Igloo".). 'Y' acts as a vowel.
- The COST of your UPGRADED card has to be a factor of your previous round’s votes, unless it was a prime number. (Example: If you got 20 votes on your last cards, the cost of your current card must be 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, or 20 – if it was a prime number such as 17, this rule can be ignored.)
- If the card is a creature, it must be from one of the following elements:
, , , ,  - If the card is a permanent, it must be from one of the following elements:
, , ,  - If the card is a spell, it must be from one of the following elements:
, , ,  - Costs are 4,5, and 6 are banned due to Absol's curse.
Mechanical and Balancing Notes The effect triggers when played.
'Redrawing a hand' means that a player will send cards from his/her hand are sent back into the deck and draw that many cards. The card triggers when any card is added to your hand through drawing, hourglasses, etc...
Cost reasoning: Most likely 'ideal' hand is 7 quanta unupped, 14 quanta upped. (Having your hand be 7 and your enemy hand be 8 is unlikely even with Nightmare and SoB.) 7-1 = 6 Net 14-2 = 12 Net Nova Generates 12 net quantum. [8/1.5]-1.5=6.5 net quantum for 0 , 1 card SNova generates 22 net quantum (2 Entropy is used for casting) [22/1.5] - 1.5 = 13.1 Net gain for ~3 (2 :Entropy + 1 Upgrade) + 1 card.
Balancing: Cost = ATK + HP modifier + Ability + Bonus ATK : +0 HP : -2 (0) Ability: +2-3 (Mulligan for both players) + 1 (Pillar and potential Combo Output(2), but only if buffed with a non-:air card(-1)) +0 (Nova-like initial output) Bonus : None Final Cost : 2-3
Upgraded: ATK : +0 HP : -2 (1-5) Ability: +2 (Mulligan) + 2-3 (Double Pillar + Potential Combo Output(3-4), but only if buffed with a non-:air card (-1)) + 3 (SNova-like initial output) Bonus : -1 or -2 Upgrade Final Cost : 3-4
Meta Notes This card fills a quantum acceleration niche for Air - Wyrms are often noted as being expensive to maintain by other players in a mono - , which this card would help support by allowing players to play more Wyrms early while keeping the other ones using Dive. It avoids conflicting with Dragonfly because Dragonfly's damage and lower (free when upgraded) cost make it more useful in Sky Blitz OTK or Immolation decks, while this card prefers a more early to mid quantum acceleration and shuffle instead of a hard-set speed of rush or stall/dominate and needs a buff unlike Dragonfly's already given 1 | 1 / 2 | 1 .
The player can buff this card to turn it into a dual quantum producer if he desires, though focusing a deck around exploiting both effects will require a group of carefully selected elements or be the main focus/combo of the deck. Either effect functions well alone - both versions can be played like Immolation or Nova in a mono (like both it has a restriction on chaining through shuffling your hand) in a mono - while duo decks can buff the card to accelerate production for a more expensive element such as or . In trios or quartets, this card could be used to accelerate mark production for more costly cards while pillars/pends focus on the other elements that are not as predominant. For rainbows, it can be used as a simple mulligan for a rainbow that favors a certain element, with Supernova and this card's restrictions combining to limit the combo from becoming broken (you can redraw SNs, but you can't play them on the same turn unless you're risking a Singularity.) On the other hand. this card could be used to exchange late game 'dead' SNs for more useful cards when you have enough quantum. Thematic Notes Aeolus ( is the Greek God of Winds in popular mythology. While the winds can have a strong impact, all windstorms must settle down eventually and die, as this card shows. However, given the proper freedom and possibilities it will build up into a strong force.
I chose to represent this card as an card as it requires something to present to create a strong 'impact' (if there are no cards/outside forces present in hand, there's not much a windstorm will do). If the player however decides the build the windstorm, he will be rewarded with a powerful force (lots of quantum from generation - perfect for getting all the creatures needed for a Sky Blitz out.)
Summary/Conclusion Overall, Aeolus Orb is a flexible card with a wide amount of synergies ingame that would give one of the less 'Complete' Elements a rather durable boost in variety and strength. It is also a worthy and effective addition to Air's arsenal that represents its theme well while avoiding conflicts with other cards.
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