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NAME: | Balance
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 2 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | Gravity creatures have a chance to ignore spells.
| NAME: | Equilibrium
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 4 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | Gravity creatures have a chance to ignore opponent's spells.
ART: | | IDEA: | Jenkar
| NOTES: | Chance is 50% in both cases.
This is to illustrate an inner tendency of gravity elementals = they are not easily shifted.
| SERIES: | |
From Wikipedia : '' "When pigs fly" is an adynaton, a way of saying that something will never happen. The phrase is often used for humorous effect, to scoff at over-ambition.''
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NAME: | When Pigs Fly
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 1 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | Both players have a chance not to draw at the beginning of their turn.
| NAME: | When Pigs Fly
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | Enemy player has a chance not to draw at the beginning of their turn.
ART: | | IDEA: | Jenkar
| NOTES: | Chance is 10% for both version. Cumulative, so 6 = 60% chance not to draw.
| SERIES: | |