might be interesting as long as you only receive the electrum bonus if you win the game(which would prevent at least most of the potential for abusing this card). Being Other, the cost could probably use a slight increase as well.
When you lose a game, you get anyway only 0 electrum. Even a 60% boost wouldn't change much there

As for the cost, I intentionally set it this low, so this creature can be used even in PvP. It has an even better Cost/Attack ratio than a Frog but at the same time most shields will just make it useless and if there are too many different Permaments it even gets removed, restricting your deckbuilding.
I like how you're trying to tie ingame cards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,19892.0.html) to earning electrum. 
However, when not taking the the eletrum gain effect into consideration, this is an other creature with a self-removal effect. I'm not sure if that justifies the +1 stats ( ideally this creature should be 1 | 2 / 2 | 3 according to most balancing formulas or have it's cost raised by 1-3), but it seems pretty close to being balanced.
Yay for Bank =)
IMO this removal effect should be enough to justify the +1 stat.
In a mono or duo deck, this creature is too expensive for its stats. In any deck with more elements your pretty fast run into the problem of the self removal by just playing a couple of pillars.
But in a rushbow this can be pretty awesome cheap hitter, but again you have the problem of self removal. Quantum Towers + Fog Shield + Weapon are already 3 different elements and when your opponent runs a non mono, you better keep immolating those leprechauns.