Agreed in that it's more of an EM tool than anything. I'm really not sure about how you should design around that, though. If you farm with gravity? Great. If you don't? Bleh.
Also, how is the "Lasts turns" supposed to work? Does it do the damage at the end of every turn or something? If that's the case, though, it can't really do its EM job very well. You'll be dealing damages with large numbers over time, which means that the 2 damage it deals is pretty tiny in comparison to the huge damage that most creatures will be dealing. You'd have to time it just right so your creatures only deal within a certain amount of damage, and that's not exactly feasible.
Honestly, the turn limitation really isn't necessary. 2 damage a round is less than most weapons deal, and you may even want to consider converting it to a weapon or something. Right now, it just seems underwhelming, since even if you're going for EMs, using this to get one is much, MUCH harder than using heal or vampires or anything else to get your HP back up, since those also have fairly good uses out of EM. 2 damage a round for 1 or 2 rounds... Not so much.