« on: August 16, 2018, 09:04:28 pm »
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NAME: | Very, very small bomb
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 2
| TYPE: | Permanent
| TEXT: | : Domino (Sacrifice card) Infect target stack of permanents. Inflict 4 damage each turn of infection.
| NAME: | Ultimate Weapon
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 1 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| TEXT: | : Domino (Sacrifice card) Infect target stack of permanents. Inflict 4 damage each turn of infection.
ART: | The bomb (yh its a bobomb from mario, a nuclear explosion just doesnt fit the artstyle of etg, so I emphasized more on its smolness instead)
| IDEA: | kaempfer13, Hactar
| NOTES: | How does it work? Like UG its an (otherwise useless) permanent with a one time use ability, which acts like virus' ability, except from permanent to permanent. It can ofc target stacks holding but one permanent. One permanent from this stack will be destroyed at the end of each of your opponents turns (or your own if you target your own permanent) and whenever that occurs your opponent will suffer 4 damage directly (bypass dmg like with catapult/sofree ignoring everything except sacrifice status). Once that stack is fully destroyed it is no longer infected and neither effect triggers even when a new permanent is played in the same position. Purify cannot target permanents atm, so the infection only stops once the permanent slot is empty again.
This may seem op compared to deflag(or sapphire charger) at first glance, but it is actually a lot slower than you may think. Yes, it does deal respectable unavoidable damage to your opponent, yes, it can destroy multiple permanents with just 1 use, but it takes a while to get going. First, you have to spend a turn to play it as a permanent that does nothing on that turn and exposing it to other kinds of PC as well for that turn. Then, you have to use an offelement ability and hope your opponent runs a suitable target (tbf most pillars make decent targets, but compared to eq it takes 5 turns to reach the same effect and 16 dmg) or target your own pillar/bonewall to get the dmg one turn earlier with a very obvious drawback. And then it still does nothing until the end of your opponents turn, meaning he'll get the full effect of that permanent for the turn.
Cardtext limitation really restricted me, the ability was supposed to be called Chain reaction and deal 3 times the number of turns the stack was infected per turn, growing more and more destructive over time, but this is all that fit.
| SERIES: | Doomsday Device™
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 12:54:22 pm by kaempfer13 »


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