NOTES: | - Attacks whoever damaged it, so you can't get a Chicken to attack the other person by damaging it yourself. - Upon death, a swarm of chickens attacks whoever killed it and their creatures, and the person itself. 1-3 chickens will deal 2-3 damage to a creature each, depending on whether or not it was upgraded. Once the chickens are done attacking the creatures, they will all flock near the mark of the person who killed the original and peck at that, dealing 2-3 damage per chicken. If a player had a full set of creatures and the max amount of chickens hit each creature, they would all deal 207 damage to the person who attacked it (RIP Fire Queen). - Immaterial and buried creatures will not take damage, but will still be attacked. Chickens aren't known to be the brightest. - If a creature was responsible for killing a chicken (Otyugh, Grey Nymph, Flown Owl's Eye, etc.), only 1-3 chickens will attack the creature and the person who owned it. The normal death effect will happen if a Chicken is GP'd, however. - If a Flooding or another permanent killed a Chicken, the flock will attack whoever owned the permanent.
The flock mechanic was inspired by the Legend of Zelda series.