I cant figure out how spoilers work so heres round 1
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NAME: | Return To Sender
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: | N/A
| TEXT: | Put target creature on the top of its owner's deck. You lose life equal to its health. Tigger a Death Effect
| NAME: | Return To Sender
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: | N/A
| TEXT: | Put target creature on the top of its owner's deck. You lose life equal to its health. Trigger a Death Effect
ART: | N/A
| NOTES: | Death Effect will trigger after the creature is removed.
Designed to keep in line with rewinds cost (2 unupped, 1 upped) Given the health loss, cost reduced by one, and made random for the upped variation.
Random cost was valued over no cost, because issues with mulligan, making it adverse to upgrade should the card cost 0.
Idea bounced around to put card at the bottom of the opponents deck, but given the lack of any means of deck shuffling, it would just end up being a pseudo-instakill. A shift into entropy could prove wise as well, perhaps allowing the target to put randomly in the opponents deck. This likely will still be a pseudo-instakill, so balance would be difficult.
| SERIES: | Card Design War 3