Many think they are without talent when it comes to art. I say the just need encouragement and inspiration. I bet most people can do abstract things very easily, but when it comes to images of living things that is our trouble. Theory does help to some degree but there is something else that is needed. this something that must be felt from within,or that is the way it is for me. Another thing that people might need training on is how to judge art.
Naturally, desire to create art is the most fundamental part of being an artist -- but that's not something that can be taught or even encouraged. You cannot teach love of art anymore than you can teach someone to have a certain favourite food or colour. The desire to create art is obviously already a prerequisite for participating in the class, but we can do nothing to inspire it -- all we can do is try and teach how to cultivate that desire into skill -- which is where theory steps in. Desiring to be an artist is something you must have on your own.
As for teaching how to be an art critic, that's something that comes naturally as you learn. As you learn the proper way to create art, you begin to recognize these techniques or lack thereof in other artwork, hence being able to distinguish and put into words what is good or bad about a certain piece of art.
At any rate, I suppose I ought to stop rambling and keep on topic! c: I have Photoshop, and have been using it for a few years already. I have tried other programs, but always end up going right back to Photoshop. I think it's the best program available to beginners (and veterans alike), but unfortunately it comes with a big, big price tag. ):