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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg337506#msg337506
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2011, 04:39:44 pm »
But secondly, whaaaa? Tasteless bunch the lot of ya! Check out amethyst pillar and bone pillar, they are sooo much cooler D:
Well I don't like Time Factory art too (But it's okay, there more important things to do). I don't like its monotonous backround and not factory-like shape without any life in it.

If I get some free time I could try making some art.


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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg337540#msg337540
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2011, 06:04:39 pm »
I disagree, I think Time factory was the most coolest pillar art before the newest came out.
I really like it, It seems to suit  :time's mysterious theme. thats just how I feel about it.

to me, it represents an hourglass being somewhat manufactured or drained of its contents, the bubble like products that float from it represent Time itself inside those sphere-like objects, in a sense representing mini infinite time loops.

My visual perspectives on the bubbles:
A sphere represents Infinite Time loop more than any other Isometric shape, because its boundaries have no edge, If you were on a giant earth sized sphere with gravity applied to it (such as planet Earth's gravity) And you tried to walk to its edge, you do not fall, you keep walking.

however, imagine being on an Earth sized rectangular prism which has edges and limits to its boundaries, and with the same type of gravity.
Since Gravity is like a Down-force, You walk off the rectangular prism's edge, you fall straight off, gravity isn't going to save there because of the velocity of which you fall, Gravity most probably won't stop your fall and you will fall into empty space.

I imagine it that way, just a simplistic view of it, (please do not correct me on any scientific mistakes I have made, My aspect of it is only based on symbolism related to time loop.)
(Forgive me for sounding so weird but that's just my artistic aspect of it  :P )

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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg337648#msg337648
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2011, 09:04:30 pm »
First of all, kudos to guolin for the edits, they're pretty awesome actually.

But secondly, whaaaa? Tasteless bunch the lot of ya! Check out amethyst pillar and bone pillar, they are sooo much cooler D:

Loyalty is very lovely and all, and I'm well aware of the fact that the time factory was the only original pillar with a half-way decent picture before the rest became much cooler, but the artwork's progressed since then; why is time the only one that doesn't get a cool new look: like, for instance, the new rewind (which looks sick, even though the old was very nice too).
Actually, I started playing a while after the new pillar art was implemented, and I like Time Factory's art. Some of the old pillar art is actually pretty decent IMHO, after looking through the archives.  (Gravity and Water stick out in my mind as notable examples.)

Regarding your statement about how Amethyst Pillar looks "cooler" and our general opinion on art : arts are interpreted differently by different people, so everyone's going to have varying opinions. Flayne's interpretation of Time Factory is a good example of this, so I don't think that "tasteless" is actually the right way to describe it - "different perspective" seems more accurate.

I do like the idea of a new background though.


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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg337803#msg337803
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2011, 03:12:48 am »
It doesn't need new art any more than you need a new computer. the art doesn't affect the game play, which is what matters. I agree with vrt, that it is the one unique pillar that didn't need an art change.

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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg338504#msg338504
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2011, 11:37:07 am »
It doesn't need new art any more than you need a new computer. the art doesn't affect the game play, which is what matters.
^ absolutely, no-one's debating that.

The apparent hostility which leaks through what I've posted really wasn't intentional. When I said "tasteless bunch the lot of ya", that was really only in response to the seeming animosity with which my original post was met by some members.

I do not think the time pillar looks bad; I never should have spoken comparatively in the first place: saying "this or that is cooler" was a mistake.

What I originally meant to say was this (and remember this post was started a long time ago): Wowie! The new art is so cool! I am loving right now just checking out all the pillars coz they're new and (artistically) exciting! But I was disappointed to find Time was not new and exciting. - The critical emphasis on new.

I.E. It's not bad the time factory never changed, it might even be good (what if it changed to something less cool?). But all I can say is, while all the other pillars made me go Oooh and Aaah, time factory made me Aww :(
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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg338639#msg338639
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2011, 06:07:10 pm »
Don't push it, or we might get something like the rainbow quantum tower ^^;;

Offline Thalas

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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg343930#msg343930
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2011, 05:22:29 pm »
Okay I made Backround and now I need to find photoshop factory tutorial


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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg343938#msg343938
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2011, 05:39:42 pm »
The back ground seems very  :earth - ish ,
a desert plain would be better imo.

Offline Thalas

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Re: Time Factory Blatantly Needs New Pic Too! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11195.msg343946#msg343946
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2011, 05:52:01 pm »
The back ground seems very  :earth - ish ,
a desert plain would be better imo.
Well it will look more timish after I add factory and I didn't even had intention using this as time factory I decided after I finished it.

