On the Block: Jenkar | Original Request: Now, another request : triple set of request, really.
Request 1 : A serpent, coiling around a quantum pillar, with wings, skeletal hands animating something, and a rainy background (a watery glowing in the serpent's eyes too). Basicly, should have : (serpent), (wings), (hands), (eyes & background) linked, but not superposing on each other.
Request 2 : A guardian. Theme of , , , in it, with the same linked, but not superposing on each other. Think an immortal guardian that does only the necessary movement to protect what he has to protect.
Request 3 : Absolutely no idea on this one's form. Avatar of destruction through immense activity. Themes of , same restriction on linking as before.
Further Information: Spoiler for Hidden: More detail? Okaaayyyy.
Basicly, the three of them are the three different forms of one and only creature. The serpent, first form. Death => Void. Air => Freedom. Highly linked with death, because death is freedom from emotions. Water => Patience. Hide till you are disturbed, and if you are, just flow him away. Darkness => Using others. Both for themselves and for himself.
Aims : knowledge. Peace, not of the world, but of self. Calm, lack of restraints, ability to do whatever he wants. Understanding others, for freedom of their whims. Ultimately, once freedom has been reached, fun becomes the objective.
The guardian, second form . Earth => Outer balance. Protect against anything physical. Gravity => Inner balance. Protect against self. Light => Stability. No change in behavior or altering of its constitution by outside influences. Aether => Complete knowledge. How to react to any situation in the most efficient, least ''changing'' way.
Aim : permanence. Stability. Think if everything was at 0°K, He'd be happy.
Last form. Maybe a vortex? Destruction. Entropy => Constant change. Adaptability through try & fail. Fire => Destruction. Constant, unstoppable want to destroy everything, having fun doing so. Life => Activity. Think of adrenaline rushes, boosting oneself through training, abscence of sleep. Time => Speed. Do everything quickly to be able to do more and more.
Aim : anihilation of everything.
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Notes on first attempt:
I'd see him WAY less huge (width). Think of not seeing the whole quantum pillar. Also, not looking at user, but doing its own thing.