I dont see why its op, it attacks your own creatures too?
And the thing is: we were thinking that u could only have like 1 on the field at time, if you have 2 out, both dies.
I don't think you can fit all these things in that small area:
Attacks highest HP creature.
Ignores burrow.
Dies when another [Earth?] Shinigami is summoned OR Both [Earth?] Shinigamis die when two are on the field.
Good luck with that. I suggest removing the "ignores burrow" part and adding something that says "Earth Shinigami is unique" or "Shinigamis are unique" and explain what "unique" means in the notes.
You do realize Zanz doesn't make the card creators?
Yes, I know that Planplan made the one that is correctly proportioned.
But you DO realize that Zanz makes the cards, right?
Making a "font size" option in the card creator wouldn't be as "life = hell" as having to put cards that have long, complex, and unreadable card texts in the game. Or having to reword the whole thing because it'd be the only card with a paragraph of text.
Having card texts with more than 4 lines in that font would obviously have a lot of game mechanics implemented, i.e. lots and lots of lines of code.