I would like a Buddha statue holding an water mark . It is supposed to be a spell card
but it is not only that .... i would also like the same thing for the other elements .
Sorry if it is too much work ..... doesn't matter if you reject it .
more precision ? Here is its effect :
Water stance : 8 water , rare ,any status is removed from the creature, do not attack , gains the skill wake up and it gains Water Stance effect .( The target creature creates a water pool on the the enemy’s creature tab damaging them 1hp per turn.When the stance is broken , the player gets the amount of turn the creature was instancing X3 hp example creature instancing for 5 turn so 5X3 hp)*
*If killed , healing effects are not applicable
more needed ? here is for fire and entropy.
Fire Stance : 8 fire , rare , The target creature gains immortality , any status is removed from the creature, do not attack , gains the skill wake up and it gains fire stance effect ( The target creature gains 4/0 each turn. when it wakes up it is delayed for how much turn it was instancing )
Entropy Stance : 6 entropy , rare , The target creature gains immortality , any status is removed from the creature, do not attack , gains the skill wake up and it gains entropy stance effect ( the creature generates 5 random quanta per turn and heals the player 2 hp per turn)
And for those who want to know what wake up is :
Wake up : 0 , skill , Remove any stance from a creature and get its old skill