I must say that i vote in favor of Vrt arguments. There is lots of awesome tutorials on photoshop and other programs, but nice art class... with feedback and tutoring from professionals...
We could do photoshop or any other program tutorials while we wait for art class to start but lets not confuse it with art class...
I don't think anyone has said that this art class
has to include Photoshop tutorials, or that everyone
must use Photoshop to draw. The point was that it would be useful to know some image editing before the art class starts, so you don't waste time by trying to find the "Layers" window, when you should be drawing an apple.
If you want to be able to draw digital art, you need to know both the tools and the actual drawing/painting. If you know only one, you cannot produce anything useful that can be used online. This is why it's a good idea to keep those two separate, and start a
completely new class about the
tools you use to draw, like
Anyone interested in starting that Photoshop class (or Gimp, Pixlr, etc.) topic, please do so. It would be very useful in many different situations, not only combined with this art class. Basics of image resizing, cropping, and saving for web, alone would be incredibly useful to anyone who uses the internet.
We could, in theory, give an award icon for someone who finished both classes (if there are indeed two). Like a "Digital Artist".
But that would of course mean both classes have a certain level a quality and difficulty. Might be a good way to keep people motivated.