I thought I'd try to make a thread for people who are trying to make card art and looking for more feedback.
Basically, I have a couple images that I feel are
almost good enough to be used as card art, but I'm very much an amateur when it comes to art, so I'm struggling with what else is left to fix.
Here's the images:

I'm generally pleased with the theme and layout of this image, but I think there's still a perspective problem that I can't quite put my finger on. There's also some issues between candelabra and the shadows around it. I can't get them to mesh well. Would it help if I just took the candelabra out altogether or would that leave too much dead space?

The person who requested this image really wants the swords to be made out of fire, or at least on fire, but I can't seem to make that work. I'm having trouble getting the swords differentiated from the arms. Whenever I try to light them on fire it just looks like he has really long arms with too many joints in them. Could also do with more definition in the figure, but I feel like I have to use bright values to depict fire, so I'm limited in the range of values I can use. How do I give fire depth?

Another request. Feels like it needs
something but I have no idea what.
I would greatly appreciate any advice anyone could offer. If anyone else has images they need help with I'll do what I can to help out as well.