The more I look at "my" mark, the more I'm not a huge fan of the purple color of it. Is it even possible to do all three and not have it come out purple? If not, a fire and light one would be great. Thanks again, these all look fantastic 
Sure. I just picked a mid-tone for it, what colour would you like it to be?
I really like the idea of it fading from the blue of water to the red of fire when going from one side to the other, kind of like Alzaya-God Of Thunder's or the one Bloodshadow drew up. Really, just some differentiation between the colors of the two, I guess. I am beyond illiterate when it comes to this kind of graphics stuff, so feel free to tell me to go shove it if I'm being too difficult. 
Best I can do:

I'm not quite good enough at it to make a brighter version, but hey, it's cool right?
EvaRia do you want the square marks?
Go ahead and make them if you want

I'm not stopping you.
2 questions:
1) what do u use to do this
2) can u blend a phoenix and a fire mark? (with the mark covering the phoenix, but the mark is like 90% transparent)
1) Just photoshop. I stack them on top of each other, choose a nice blending mode for them, and play with contrast and stuff.
2) No guarantees, I can try.

Can you make an Entropy Mark with a Holy Light blended into it? I want the Entropy mark to be lighter than usual and have the Holy Light as the shadow. Do you think you can do that? I'm an Entro-Light guy. Thank you so much! 
Again, I can try.