Would somehow the use of a pirate flag make any sense?
Trying this:
Is this for


? I am going through and adding all the background submissions and I need to know where you think it should go.
I'd like to nominate this for a card background. I'm not sure which combinations are free or the dimensions so I'll leave that to someone else.
I tried to take a selfie, this happened. I don't know either. It just looks cool. Somewhere in there is a picture of me posing, now it's (hopefully) a background art.
Makes me think Aether/Earth
Hmm... looks like aether earth has one already. Any other ideas where it could go?
Since I am able, I will try to keep this thread current as new background art gets suggested.
We are currently missing only 22 of the hybrid backgrounds. That means we are already 2/3 of the way finished!
Unfortunately, we do have several with bad links. If you have a copy of or know of a better link for one of the missing images let me know so I can update it.