Found the Default Card Backgrounds that I'd been looking for and felt like they deserved a spot on the forum and a place for anyone to access them.
So here you go!
Some images are smaller than others, this is intended behaviour presumably implemented by Zanz to lower the filesize of the game slightly. I have resized all images using BBCode, simply click them to return them to their default size.
All images credit to Zanzarino Design
Spoiler for old post:
Would anyone happen to have a copy of the default, non-hybrid card backgrounds?
So far I've managed to track down both Scaredgirl's templates, one for photoshop and one for pixlr, and both the download links are broken. By trawling through the update log I've managed to obtain 5 of the backgrounds - specifically these 5.

Would anyone know where I can find the rest?
Thank you!