I would like to critique and suggest a few things in regards to your art. If there is one you thing you lack at all, creativity is not it. The range of your ideas is far and wide, and that's a very awesome thing. However, I see you tend to use the bevel and emboss effect quite often. As well as modifying real or pre-made images and shaping them to your liking. Now there isn't anything wrong with that, I do the same from time to time, however, making an image from scratch can be all the most amazing. I have no doubt that you can do some even more amazing works. And i'm sure it feels very good when you complete an image using nothing but your own tools. I would very much like to see what you can do by creating everything in an image yourself. Using the very bare minimum of effects to help emphasize anything. I feel it would help you along as an artist. I don't mean any of this in a negative way all, just my own personal thought and opinions on things. I really do like your art, so whatever you do, keep it up